Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the war on christmas

What fucking war? if theres a war on christmas is being run almost as ineptly as the one in Iraq. Im hearing christmas music from half a dozen radio stations, im seeing christmas sales going on all the time theres constant advetising about every possibly peice of crap that could possibly be a gift. and yet aparently the liberals are ruthlessly attacking christmas. pretty soon O'Rielly will have to sneak to the church on christmas eve and hope that he isnt picked up by the cops on the way casue obviously thats what the liberals want, and obviously we have total control over the government. WTF seriously where is this war? really john gibson is this a war because some companys use the word holiday instead of christmas, is it a war becuase some companies chose to be tolerant of others, they embrace other religions particularly judism becuase they might be buying gifts as well. Has anyone ever seen anything wether a law or other wise to try to prevent people from celebrating christmas? yes many people beleive in freedom of religion and therefore separation of church and state so they believe that govenrment buildings should not allow religious decorations. saying that the government should not push any particular religion is not an attack on chrisianity its upholding freedom of religion.
Oh and semi-related, Ann Coulter supposedly released the e-mail adress and personal phone number of a blogger who criticized her. thats the same prank that some of the fromer Jackass guys did to each other on Viva La Bam. Ann Coulter, guys from Jackass yeah i can see why they might pull similar pranks. similar maturity levels. I wonder if Ann can skateboard...