Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Not Funny

I'm disappointed I was hoping to find this article online, but to no avail. Awhile back I started receiving Maxim magazine, not sure how that happened. I don't think its a very good magazine, its just aimed at a segment of male society that I'm not part of, namely the people who watch a lot of sports while wearing overpriced clothes drinking overpriced vodka at some bar that I have no interest in going to (ok there are hot chicks too). But occasionally they do pull out a gem. Like this months,

50 Lamest Things of All Time

43. Dane Cook

HAHAHAHAHAHA... Now to put that in perspective, number 50 was little dogs in purses. Dane was 43, that can't be good. I wish I could find the actual "article" it was something like Bostonian frat boy, your 15 minutes of funny are over. Nah, it was better than that, but you get the idea.

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