Friday, March 23, 2007

Cathartic III

This was meant to just be a little add on to the last post but Blogger wasn't going to play ball so its getting its own post.

I just felt like continuing to ramble on and it seemed silly to start another post about this situation. Theres nothing I can do, nothing I can change now. I wish I knew then what I knew now, I can't even fathom how different my life would be. I mean seriously I would have had different friends, I just realized that the other changes are matters that I don't want to discuss on the internet. I'm still very mixed up emotionally, but its all for the best. Things will work out, they always do, I do believe in natural Karma, if your a good person more than likely good things will happen to you. If your an asshole then eventually life will get you back. A great example of this is high school. The popular kids, the jocks, many of them end up depressed drug addicts while the nerds they picked on went to grad school and have great jobs and are happy. And there is some logic to it, the jock was held on a pedestal for doing something that has no value in the real world for all but a very select few. The dork was probably actually good at skills that are useful in life, plus after always being picked on they rely on themselves and have drive to do better. Thats the quick of my little theory, and because I think its a natural social rule and not a divine thing it obviously is only a very general view, its absolutely not accurate in every case.

I'm no longer mixed up at all emotionally, I'm happy. Oh sure I wish things could be different but I really think that it'll work out. Hopefully with her but if not I'm simply in a much better spot mentally for what ever comes along. I gotta play "today was a good day" again.

Oh and "C" I told "I" she has to go say goodbye to goo. BTW if your going to read this, feel free to leave comments. er maybe thats not a great plan from my end.

And to all those who regularly read QR, thanks, and I'll be getting back to the problems of the world here soon, right now I'm still focused on me, which "C" will claim is usually the case anyway. Which gets me thinkin' "C" you have any interest in writing for this little site of mine. I enjoy it, you might to, if not it ain't no thang.

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