Wednesday, November 23, 2005

bush might have lied

National Journal
Bush made the comment a little while back about how congress was given all the same inteligence information that he was and so if there was any misleading they were as much at fault as he was. This was a cute little story that I personaly dont think anyone with half a brain ever believed for a moment, but now more and more information is coming out that show that not only did he lie back before the war but he is still lying about it. or in this case lying about not lying before.the only reason im not completely in favor of impeachment is that president Cheney scares the living shit out of me. I dont like bush but he at least has morals and emotions, those morals might be twisted and corupt but at least he trys. Cheney has less emotion than a bowl of jell-o, actually jell-o is kinda cool so thats a bad example how about a brick, id put him on the same emotional plane as a brick.

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