Tuesday, February 28, 2006

34% approval, beats cheneys 18%

CBS news reports that Bushs is now at a new personal record with 34% job approval rating. ha and it points out that Clintons approval rating actually increased durring the lewinsky scandal.
ok i just checked the Polling Report and they show that the CBS poll is among the lowest of any of the polling groups with some as high as 47% approve 50% dont. I think the Nation, the Progressive, Z magazine and others need to start poling in order to counter Fox and the right wing that keeps pushing the average numbers back up. those mags probably would show like a 3% approval if they used their own audience as tests. Eh but then we would get accused of distorting the truth, which we would counter with, well yeah but only to counter their lies, but that gets you into a mess we would rather ignore, so probably better just to leave the polls to the big boys, saves a lot of money i bet too.

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