Thursday, February 23, 2006

Impeachment time

Ok So Ive now seen Polls saying that the majority of people now believe we were lied to when entering Iraq, and that if Bush lied he should be impeached. And now a majority believes that if Bush knowingly tapped phones illegaly than he should be impeached. admitedly its probably the same group of people that think he needs to be impeached if certian criteria are met and so far both of these seem like obvious truths to me. To put this in perspective, the majority of americans never wanted to impech Clinton, hell Clinton had a better aproval rating durring his impeachment than Bush does durring his war. Oh I need to stop calling it a war, congress never declared war, dont forget that. Congress gave the president the athority to use millitry force, thats not a declaration of war. I just use the word war cause its a lot quicker to write.

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