Friday, February 17, 2006

Not getting better for Shotgun Cheney

Now even FAUX news (thx Crooks and Liars) is talking about the Cheney drinking before hunting, I will say that most hunters I know do drink a bit, but they usually go off to kill very early in the morning so they dont drink till after either in celebration or to drown the sorrow of not killing (?), either way they drink about the same. So the point is that the right hand of the Bush propaganda machine talked about the posiblity of Cheney drinking before hand. They tried to say that he doesnt have a history of drinking, the other guy said yeah thats true other than when he got those 2 dui's oh and when he got kicked out of yale for excesive partying. Actually that last part makes me dislike him a little less, some say not to use double nagatives but its more accurate in that case. its not that i like him more, cause i still dislike him but slightly less. I should work on Rambling less, but then Id have to change the name. Was he drunk? only a few people know and they're not about to talk.

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