Monday, March 26, 2007

UD unintelligent design

Being a semi-rational person I fully admit that I could be totally wrong about god, he might exist, and given sufficient evidence I will believe, and I would think that an omnipotent being would have no trouble creating sufficient evidence. So while I think its a lame hypothesis I'll leave it alone as it has not yet been completely discredited. How about the design aspect then, how well does that little hypothesis hold up? I'll argue that its fully possible that everything was created exactly as it is just a few thousand years ago and sneaky ass god made it look much much much much older. Its possible, the dudes omnipotent and all, anything is possible with that guy. I'll also argue that for someone so powerful, someone who has all the knowledge in the universe he would have failed out of engineering class. Ok he pulled of some neat tricks like the always popular bacteria motor flagella, pretty slick, DNA, job well done. Putting the spine of an animal that travels on all four into humans which are supposedly designed in his image while other creatures are not and therefore we should be unique. Who knows maybe he was just trying to save time, maybe he just likes us to suffer. Seriously if we were designed in his image why would we have so much in common with animals that weren't? Were monkeys designed 95% in his image? do they have 95% of a soul? The fact that they can substitute (and do) the spine of a calf to use instead of ripping the spine out of a dead person for studying flexibility should be a good indicator that we really do have a spine very similar to that of a four legged creature. it works for them, thats why my fat ass can sit on the back of a horse while it runs full speed without injuring the horse. Yet one wrong move of a human while carrying a load can cause severe and sometime permanent back problems. To me at least this seems pretty clear that we have the spine of a four legged creature and not the other way around which would be far easier for the creationist to explain.

So the truth is I hurt my back moving band equipment yesterday and it seemed like a good starting point for a little rant against creationism and ID, or if there is a god, then this is my way of saying to go take a few classes at MIT, he is god he could probably get in, and learn a thing or two about mechanics and set us of with something a bit more durable, the lower back in particular. Thanks god, for admitting you don't know everything. And in the mean time fuck you, cause this hurts.

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