Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Chocolate Jesus

I don't understand why people care. Ok someone made a huge chocolate jesus, a bunch of christians freaked out, no more chocolate jesus. I mean yeah its sad that these assholes deprived bringing joy to a bunch of children in the form of a huge block of chocolate but its not very surprising. Oh the "sweet lord" was naked, thats why the christians freaked out, that should be mentioned.
But it just seems like people care way to much, I mean yeah the fundies are insane, so what? thats hardly news worthy. I wouldn't care if there was nothing going on in the world but there is so lets just be done with this story.
Heres the only link I feel like putting up for this topic.
The Rude Pundit: What would chocolate jesus do?

1 comment:

Product Reviews said...

Isn't it amazing the things that can get people so worked up?