One of the most interesting parts is actually not by Bertrand Russell at all, its in the appendix, it's the telling of the "Bertrand Russell Case" in which a judge declared Russell "Unfit" to teach at a Public University. I'm no lawyer but even a layman can see the horrible injustice of the case. One of the biggest injustices being that the person suing to keep him out was the parent of a young woman who did not want her daughter to be taught by an atheist. The problem is that it was not a co-ed school at the time, and so there was no possible way that this young lady could be taught by Lord Russell. That was deemed irrelevant. Prior to the trial there was a huge public battle in the media on which Russell himself kept nearly silent saying that those who don't follow the orthodox must expect to be attacked on occasion and its usually best to simply ignore the attacks. But once the lies entered the court room he felt he must defend himself. I can't recall the exact wording but the judge had no interest in hearing what Russell had to say because he had no standing in the case.... but the girl who couldn't be his student did... There was lost of other fucked up things in the case but that was probably the pinnacle for me. It was also very interesting to see how attacked him and who defended him. Other than it was exactly who you would expect, everyone who actually knew him defended him, those who had studied under him or worked with him lavished praise upon him. Those who prefer to stick with existing dogma hated and vilified him.
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form.
- Albert Einstein
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