Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fuck AIG!

Pretty self explanatory, the people directly responsible for creating massive wealth without producing anything while destabilizing the entire economy leading to the market collapse who's asses were then saved by people who's life savings were wiped out by said collapse were expecting the get a nice fat bonus check of our money for their diligence. The good news, Obama is pissed and Cuomo is coming after them. I'm not sure what they can do because due to the lack of any controls on the $170 billion we gave to AIG they may not have broken any laws at all. When criminals can legalize their activities we end up with vigilante justice. I'm not necessarily condoning vigilante justice but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it happened. I'd probably be happy if it did, which still isn't quite the same as saying I want it to happen. I'm clearly too soft to actually do any vigilante shit myself. Anyway I'm hoping that for this St. Patrick's day the Leprechauns get their gold taken away. Those mischievous little bastards.

UPDATE: WTF? Yo Obama there is a very very simple fucking answer to this. You're currently working on another $30 billion bailout to AIG, all you need to say fuck you're contracts that somehow require bonuses (is that still a bonus?) here are you're options. You take the $30 billion and not one upper level person sees a single cent above their salary, or you don't. With oversight that if bonuses are paid then we get at least the $30 Billion back, or if you really wanted to stick it to them say you want the entire $200 Billion back. If they are doing so well that their CEO's deserve bonuses for their good jobs then they obviously are doing well enough to pay back their debts.


Anonymous said...

right on. Total bullshit, AIG headquarters should meet Mr. Molotov's favorite soft drink, and soon.


Anonymous said...

These motherfuckers are at it again

Anonymous said...


Kilgore Trout said...


Unknown said...

FUCK AIG, WE shoulkd start blowing up their offices, buildings and people!!! All they do is get rich off peoples suffering. One of these days these guys are going to get taken out somehow,trust me!