Friday, September 16, 2005

St. Patricks Four

Im not sure how I didnt hear about these fine individuals before, But now that I have I hope to spread the word a bit. This all took part in upstate New York, yes there is more to New York than just one City, not far from where I live. It is quite a story and now these protesters are being tried for "conspiracy to impede an officer of the United States by threat, intimidation and force" which is a bit of a strech consitering it was a non-violent protest. They are being tried for these crimes after being aquited in an earlier trial. Please check out the website.
These people deserve metals in my book not court dates.
would bombing a country then be consitered conspiract to impede an officer by threat, intimidation and force? lets add that to bushs list of crimes.


sandy said...

would bombing a country then be consitered conspiract to impede an officer by threat, intimidation and force? lets add that to bushs list of crimes.

Arthur, you still don't make sense. Do you consider Saddem Hussien an officer of the law? If so then maybe you should be his lawyer.

Kilgore Trout said...

If george bush is an officer of the law then why wouldnt saddam hussien? they are/were both leaders of their respective nations. the only difference is one killed 50,000+ iraqi people over the the course of many years using american provided arms, the other has only killed 25-30,000 iraqi people but then again he hasnt been there as long.