Monday, October 31, 2005


Well the party I was planning on going to I was warned was lame ahead of time so just chilled with a few friends on Saturday. Was hoping for a good party but oh well.

Well today is actually Halloween and a few people are dressed up at the office, there’s a bee downstairs, a witch is fly around somewhere, and there is a giant Hershey’s kiss in the office next to mine. I thought about throwing on my cheap ass costume of a racecar driver, I was just going to where my old work shirt and my helmet, it would probably be the most expensive costume around seeing as the helmet is around $400 but then again I already had it. And its not a real fire suit id be wearing just an old mechanics shirt.
So I got a new web site Ill have to add to the links it’s got a great name, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. I like United for Separation bit. They are with the ACLU in the Dover PA court case against "intelligent design." there web site is

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