Thursday, December 08, 2005

inteligent design, or not

one of my favorite arguments against intelligent design is that if we were designed then god would have failed out of any engineering school. We are not well designed creatures and this is apparent in everything from a twisted spine which is inherently weak, to an airway that crosses a food duct, which can be a fatal flaw in our design. Theres the number of teeth that done fit into our heads, which may be because we take care of our teeth so they dont fall out anymore, so I dont stress this one because it might be our own fault. This is a fun argument to fight about because to fight against it is to say that god has less of an understanding of basic engineering than we do. Stuff like that really seems to piss off the religous folks out there. heres a little joke that goes along with this line of thinking.

Three engineering students were sitting around talking between classes,
when one brought up the question of who designed the human body.One of the
students insisted that the human body must have been designed by an Electrical
Engineer because of the perfection of the nerves and synapses.Another disagreed,
and exclaimed that it had to have been a Mechanical Engineer who designed the
human body. The system of levers and pullies is ingeniuos."No," the third
student said "you're both wrong. The human body was designed by a Civil
Engineer. Who else but a Civil Engineer would have put a toxic waste line
through a recreation area?"

Ive heard it before but i just copied it from a comment on Daily Kos, posted by Tamman2000, just want to give credit where credit is due. and actually i just found another great post from the same person.

The real problem (none
/ 0
Has nothing to do with people believing there is a designer.
The problem is trying to get inteligent design into the science class
room. Even if it turns out that we were designed, I would have to object
to the way ID is being pushed. You see, there is no science in ID. ID, as
it exists now, predicts nothing. There is no hypothesis to be tested.
As soon as somebody says "The theory of ID predicts this will
happen/should be observed under these circumstances" I will drop my objection. I
am quite sceptical that this will happen though, I don't see any testable
predictions that could concievably come from ID...
"That blood was already on
the flag; we just made it visible." - Clare Grady
by tamman2000 on Thu Dec 08,
2005 at 12:37:29 PM PDT

This is an excelent point, the idea of a theory is that it can tell you what direction things are heading, or at least try to. what exactly does ID predict will happen to us? ID is fine, its just not science. its just the leading edge of a sword cutting thru our education system. I am starting to truely believe that the religious right is trying to create a new dark ages. I understand that ignorance is bliss but this is rediculus. And its odd how much the bible and specificly jesus talked about the meek and helping the poor and that now our big religious figures are premoting intolerance and hatered from their mansions. jesus didnt ask money of his deciples so that he could live a life of oppulence. I might not be a religious scolar but i know that much. these televangalist preachers who wish the wrath of god on dover PA because the town booted every official off the school board who voted for ID. These preachers are making millions of dollars every year. this is not the simple life of prayer that they seem to talk about in the bible, so im not sure why any christian whould lisen to them on religious matters. oh well fuck pat robertson.

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