Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Ann Coulter

WARNING: this one gets a bit angry and slightly graphic.
No seriously this ones a little harsh...

Crazy ass Coulter
Ok Im probably a little late on this one, but what the fuck is wrong with Ann Coulter? She made a joke about poisoning a supreme court justice. Doesnt that strike you as odd? not that the crazy bitch said it but that she still has job. I mean granded no one takes Coulter seriously, but still shes a for some odd reason famous person who makes an unapolgetice comment like that and our "liberal" media just lets it slide. Well here Ann Ive got a joke for you, I hope someone sneaks into your house and slices your gut open then uses your small intestine for a noose and throws you out the window, hahaha just kidding. See my generation might be laking in a lot of things creative but our leaders have instilled in us a magnificent imagination towards inflicting pain and suffering without the least remorse. Video games didn't destroy my abiliyt to care for others, the republicans did.
I think maybe ill do that, Ill just start threatening to kill every republican that threatens to kill someone else. If im allowed to go back a little id like to tell Pat Robertson that Im going to go buy a assualt rifle, which the government has no right to try to limit the sale of according to our newest Supreme Court Justice, and shoot you in the face a few times, maybe Hugo Chavez will come to the funeral and take a shit on your grave.
For you at the FBI/NSA/DHS/CIA/secrect service these were only jokes and are no more or less of threats than what was said by Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson and therefore if I am now going to be considered a threat than I hope you have a file a foot thick on the two terrorist that I just mentioned. Thanks and enjoy your coffee.


Son said...

jajajaja... Great! Dear Arthur...

I don't know how translate this:
¿Esta mujer va mal follada no? (this woman have a poor sexual life)... It's a joke... too

My greetings to the Secret Services... HELLOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

jajajajaja... incredible...


Kilgore Trout said...

That is the single coolest comment ever!
Thank you.
The big hello to the SS is a nice touch.
by the way if any of the previouslt mentioned "intelligence" organizations are reading this, if i was going to risk jail time Id kill someone way more important than Ann Freaking Coulter, but im not going to kill anyone, its much more fun just to get famous and then belittle them to a national audience.