Now heres a program I can actually get behind. I never thought I'd support Cheney in anything but I like the new "war on lawyers." Think of the money this country would save on insurance and medical care if there were a Lawyer season, you'd have to get tags like you would for a deer. they could hand out ones for personal injury lawers like doe tags. I'm not a huge fan of hunting but I might even get myself a shot gun when this season opens up. Would it be illegal to bait them? maybe have an ambulance with its lights going, and just wait for someone to come up with a business card... eh.. takes all the sport out of it. Wait what? you mean it was an accident? he was hunting birds and he shot a lawyer? was he shooting pidgeons on wall street? oh it was his friend and they were hunting. Well with friends like that who needs enemys? But seriously they are wondering if this is going to hurt him politically, I doubt it, the people who are against hunting already have so many far more important reasons to hate him and those who like hunting are the same ones who think that Saddam was resonsible for 9/11 and sure they'll make fun of him for not being a better hunter but in the end they will still follow blindly where ever bush tells them.
thanks for the pic and the article. heres the link
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