oh well thats the general site but this is the article I was talking about.
What would jesus do
This is about the muslim riots over the cartoons and freedom of speech. So the question is basicly if they printed pictures of jesus sodomizing a school boy and said "got catholisism?" would people be angry. but theres more to this than just that. First your holy land is taken from you and you are contantly attacked for fighting to get it back. They just destoryed an innocent nation that is run by your people. you get called a terrorist anywhere you go. So then some asshole runs a little comic about your savior being a terrorist (i know mohammed was a profet not the massia but bear with me) and you just finally snap. It makes sence, people get angry about the huge issues like the war but its just so big that you cant really wrap your mind around it, something like a comic is little its tangible and so it becomes the cataylst for so much other anger that has been building up. The comic itself is probably about 2% of what they are mad about. Its like the rodney king riots, it had a little bit to do with rodney king and a lot to do with the general state of life in L.A. To quote Sublime,
But if you look at the streets, it wasn't about Rodney King
It's this fucked-up situation and these fucked-up police
It's about comin' up and stayin' on top
And screamin' 1-8-7 on a mother fuckin' cop
It's ain't in the paper, it's on the wall.
Its the same thing with these riots, sure they are mad about a cartoon but they are fucking pissed off about the state of the world, and I can't really blam them for that. But of course I do have to say that violence is the worse possible reaction to this event. Muslims are already stereotyped as a violent people so to riot because of a cartoon no matter what the other reasons does not help the situation.
I also have to say that as rude as the comic was I still am a very adiment believer of freedom of speech. If your angry about the comic then cancel your subcription. write a letter to the editor what ever but dont burn an embesy.
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