Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Im not done with this story just yet.
Common Dreams
As you probably well know Cheney and Bush have been avid gun supporters. The link above contains text from Cheneys speach at an NRA meeting. Im a big fan of the constitution and Im Ok with people haveing guns but Im also just fine with having tight controls over who can have one. I need to pass a test to drive a car right? Thats a good thing, in the wrong hands a car can be very dangerous. A gun on the other hand is designed to Kill, its only purpose it to put destroy and yet I could walk to the store today and go buy one. There should be a test you need to take, just like a drivers test before you can own a gun. Next up is the assult rifle ban which wasnt particularly effective but it was a good idea that Jr. let expire to please his base of fundamentalist christians that just love killin', yeah theres something weird about that to me but what do I know. Lets use my car annalogy again I cant go buy an F1 car and throw a plate on it and drive around, It's not legal for that its ment for a race track and thats where it will drive. An Assult rifle is not for hunting its for War its not designed for civilian use so it shouldn't be legal. If you need full auto capablities for hunting then you should probably find a new hobby. This is just common sence here, yes I believe in freedom but I dont think I should be allowed to carry an IED or a vile of anthrax around either, those things are designed to kill people and nothing else and for the exact same reason, assult rifles should be illegal.

Of note, its a damn good thing Cheney wasnt hunting with an assult rifle cause his buddy would be dead right now. actually its probably a good thing that Cheney didnt have a bigger shotgun, someone told me it was a 28 gauge but im guessing they missheard the report because Ive never heard of anything smaller than a 20 gauge. So is the NRA going to be angry at Dick Cheney for giving hunting a bad name? will they attack him for not following the most obvious of safety percautions like, know where your hunting partner is. There are now alligations that he didnt even have a hunting permit.

Oh what I wouldnt give to be that game warden... please come with me Mr. Vice President we need to have a litte chat...
ger..er.. uh yeah see ive got a permit...
Well Sir no no you dont and so heres your fine for illegal hunting and here is the police to charge you with assult with a deadly weapon. have a nice day, oh and if thats not returned in 30 days the fine doubles an there will be a warrent for your arrest, and your not a difficult man to fine so I suggest you pay it.

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