Monday, April 10, 2006

Ruth Malhotra, I suspect that I hate you.

heres the link
Sue for the right to harass gays

I really dont want to hate christianity, i dont even want to hate the fundamentalist christians, Id much rather not hate anyone. My good will can hold out to say that there is still no group of people that I hate because its wrong to hate a person for how they were born, but to hate a person because of what they have done is expected. In the word of NOFX "so go ahead and label me an asshole cause i can, accept responsiblity for what Ive done but not for who I am." from the song Dont call me white. Any way I might have found a person I could hate without even meeting.

Ruth Malhotra I suspect that I hate you. You are trying to use sue for the right to harrass gays. Harrassment is NOT an inalienable right. reread the Constitution some time theres a lot of good stuff and its not very long. But no where does it say that freedom of religion allows you to persecute others. Your rights end where others begin, ie: my right to swing a baseball bat ends at your nose. I have the right to swing a baseball bat, but as soon as I crush your face in, then I have broken the law, as it should be.

And now on to the religious end of it. I'll be the first to say that I was never a religous person, oh sure my mother dragged my to church every sunday untill I moved out for college. Sure I went on two mission trips to guetemala and cant wait to go again. But im not a spirtiual person. That feeling deep down that people with faith must have, well I just dont have it. But I must say I dont remeber the pastor ever saying any thing about "and jesus said we shall bring fire upon those who whould make love to another man." doesnt really fit his whole style of helping those less fortunate. And turning the other cheek and all that other stuff. I never really hear him shouting about hatred much but maybe we had different versions of the bible. Of course I alwayss liked the Jesus in my bible. He seemed like a really nice guy that wanted everyone to live free and be happy. He was staunchly against greed, cause I do remeber him saying that it is easier for a camel to walk throught the eye of a needel than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

So for everyone who is preaching hatred in the name of christianity, well id be curious to read your bible and see what jesus was like in that version cause the jesus in my bible is going to send you to hell for eternity. Of course I dont beleive in hell and I Dont beleive in pure evil either. possible exception being Bush...

Peace to the tolerant.

heres the link again
Sue for the right to harass gays


Anonymous said...

You know, i'm sure "liberals" like you never say a hateful word to or about anyone except Ruth, and certainly not to any group of people,. I'm sure you've never said a hateful word about Republicans, US soldiers, Israeli Jews, religious Christians or Catholics, gun owners, or white men. And if you have, that doesn't count as hate because they deserve it right? Not like your favorties groups- blacks, gays, Arabs, and women who should be totally protected from anybody saying one single solitary bad word about them. That's fair,right? That's tolerance, right?

Anonymous said...

You know, i'm sure "liberals" like you never say a hateful word to or about anyone except Ruth, and certainyl not to nay group of people,. I'm sure you've never said a hateful word about Republicans, US soldiers, Israeli Jews, oreligious Christians, gun owners, or white men. And if you have, that doesn't count as hate because they deserve it right? Not like yuour favorties groups- blacks, gays, Arabs, and women who should be totally protected from anybody saying one single solitary bad word about them. That's fair,right? That's tolerance, right?