Wednesday, January 10, 2007
As always I've been slacking lately but two things got me to fired up to write somethin’. First I saw a bit about being an inspired atheist, because atheism is a negative thing by its very nature, its not really anything, its simply a dismissal of certain ideas. So someone (if I remember who I’ll give them credit) said we should try to be positive say what gives us hope for the New Year. Which is a good idea no matter what your beliefs. The second thing that happened was I got into an interesting conversation over at Blog 4 Brains which led Justin to add me to their blogroll. He said it was to return the favor of them being added to mine, the difference being I have a ton of links, so being added isn’t that big a deal, plus not to many people come here. On the other hand they only have a select few in their blog roll and at least from what I'm seeing at this time they have a decent size audience, so I felt special. Then I realized I don’t have anything good on the site at the moment. Oh sure there is jesus water, which is amusing but I really haven’t felt the desire to write anything good lately. It’s the start of the hundred hours, I am hopeful that something inspiring will come from that. It’s a new year, which means I have a new calendar. I’m inspired by the fact that Firefox has added a built in spell check, which is so so good for everyone who is forced to decipher what I’m trying to write. What else is good, Oh I’ve been having great conversations over at Nashville Soapbox I don’t agree with him most of the time, but he’s respectful and fun to talk with. Then there is Atheism Sucks where you won’t be shocked to find out I disagree with the person and he’s not the least bit respectful, but some of the other folks there are cool so I enjoy it none the less. I guess I’m happy that I’ve found some new people to talk to on-line. I enjoy talking with my liberal friends on the political sites, who I do need to go check up on. But the atheists are very similar but different. For the most part they seem fairly liberal, which I find interesting. I know it’s a clichĂ© the right feeds on, the godless liberal, I think the tall blond antichrist even has a book by that name or one like it. But why is this, why is it that when people cast off the ways of god that they suddenly care more about the people around them?
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Considering you last sentence to you latest article, I would like to put forth an idea that has been in my head for a good long while. One of the biggest reasons that atheists seem to be more responsible with the human connection, is that fact that they hold themselves more accountable to their actions.
Unfortunately, the christian religion among many others remove the accountability from the individual and hand it over to some deity or god-like profit. I guess there are many reasons for this, but the main one would be that they believe humans are born in sin or are instictually going to commit evil over good.
When you have a situation that no matter what you do, you have a Jesus or whatever to fix it. All you have to do is believe. There is a removal in the reality of cause and effect. Why should they care what they do and the consequences that follow. They have the magical Jesus to take care of it all.
Atheits do not have this. All they have is today and what is contained herein, so they want to make best of what they have. There is no heaven, no 40 virgins, no eternal bliss, so accountability for the fellow man is of utmost importance. Where the Christians accountability lies with some imaginary character and the consequence of this is a degredation of connection with what is here and now.
Sorry if this made no sense. I was trying to make a point that seemed harder than originally expected. Anyways, thanks for the shout out. And if you take care of us, we will take care of you.
I just found your site and if you don't mind you are the first link i've put on my blog.. rpkthoughts . I recently read dawkins God Delusion and I'm very pleased to find there are many more out there like minded. :)
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