Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fuck you gonzo

Sorry not you, your cool.

I meant this gonzo, fuck you. If you don't know why I'm upset with him, well then I'd like to welcome you to this country. We have a pretty good thing going here and have the potential to be the greatest country the world has ever seen, unfortunately we're currently being lead by a bunch of assholes. This guy to the left being one of them. I'm not going to get into the details of what he did this time, its only the most recent of his despicable deeds anyway. He's currently the Attorney General meaning he's the top law enforcement person in our country, but it basically means he's the top government lawyer, or currently it means he's bush's parrot and lawyer all rolled into one big grinning bag of douche. Due to some rather unprecidented events of recent days many people with some influence are calling for his to be fired, he could also quit which would be prudent due to his incompetence so far, but he said he's too busy working to quit and if he needs to be replaced then its the presidents job to fire him. Which makes sense because as you know the president of the united states of America has way more free time than the AG. So if you don't know what the hell I'm rambling on about you can go here, here,or here, but not here I guess conservatives aren't to concerned. But chances are you know enough about it and just don't care what the cronies did wrong this time. I hate to say it but I'm getting to that point. They aren't even trying to hide their corruption anymore. They just do whatever they want, blatantly lying with a straight face, smirking while they silently scream "So what, what are you gunna do about it? Yeah I broke a few hundred laws, what the fuck are you gunna do about it? thats right your going to sit down and shut up." and sadly they are right. We've got dems elected, woo hoo, nothing has changed, but it can. If these presidential hopefuls want to earn their next job they will get up there and do what needs to be done to take down as much of this empire as possible before the next election.

This article needs its own paragraph just because of the uderly perfect headline. Those Responsible for Sacking the People Who Have Just Been Sacked, Have Been Sacked

Oh and one last point, "mistakes were made" is NOT a fucking apology. an apology is, "I'm SORRY, I made mistakes" its downright pathetic that some people are impressed with the humility of someone who has admitted nothing. especially because I guarantee the only thing they feel bad about is that they weren't smooth enough to fire the attorneys without causing an uproar. If they felt bad about the actual firings then they wouldn't have fired them!


Anonymous said...

Didn't Clinton do the same thing? I don't know all the intimate details of either situation, but it's my understanding (limited though it is) that Clinton did it as well, as did Bush I

Kilgore Trout said...

Firing attorneys is quite common, Clinton actually fired all 93 US attorneys, at the very beginning of his stay in office. See those people were fired in one feel swoop and replaced by people of Clinton's liking. Those fired recently we not part of a general changing of the guard they were fired because they were doing their jobs going after people like Duke Cunningham, or for not going after democrats fast enough. One was a changing of the guard, the other was firing specific people for specific actions that show beyond a doubt what this administration will do to protect itself and to hell with the law. Let me re-state that so my words aren't used against me, I do not believe that Bush acted out side the law in this instance, but what he did was dishonest to an unimaginable degree. It would be like if O.J. had been friends with the mayor, and that mayor happened to fire the prosecutor in the middle of the case, I'm quite sure that mayor would have caught some flak.

Its not the firings alone that are the issue. One major side issue is why there was a provision in the patriot act to allow the Attorney general to appoint attorneys without congressional approval. What does that have to do with security? It's a blatant usurpation of power. But even that isn't why I don't like Gonzales. The problem is hes just another talking head, he spouts out the exact same things as Bush every single time. This particular incident is minor in the scandal ridden journey of Bush Co. but if it can be used to oust Gonzalez then I'm all for it, he deserves to be fired, this is a good enough reason so long as it sticks.

Kilgore Trout said...

actually I should point out that I don't know the law very well so its fully possible that he did break it, if he did well then we can just add that to the pile of broken laws. a couple years ago he was estimated to have broken over 700 laws so whats one more?