Thursday, December 29, 2005

battle for christmas is over... till next year...

I think the whole war on Christmas came about because the Bill O'Reilly's of the world couldn’t come up with a way to put a positive spin on all of the scandals with the administration so they simply took to attacking the left and the ACLU saying that they were going to destroy Christmas. Of course if my goal was to destroy Christmas I’m quite sure I wouldn’t do it be defending freedom of religion, as the ACLU has. No I think if I really wanted to religion in this country I would claim myself as a religious man an then constantly spout off hate speeches about any one different than myself. I would say things about how all natural disasters were gods vengeance against sinners. By completely misconstruing the teaching of Jesus, I believe it was Jesus who said hate the sin love the sinner but maybe Pat Robertson has never read that part of the bible. That's to make religion sound extremely angry and hate filled then I might be able to turn enough people away from religion, Christianity in this case, to destroy Christmas. Yeah if that were my goal I think that’s the way I would try to do it... hate speech in the name of god yeah that would probably piss off enough people that you might start to destroy Christmas. Make Christians look so bad that no one would want to admit to being one. Use a lot of black and white options, you’re for us or against us that works great to divide people, so if you can divide the people into Christians vs. not Christians then make the Christians look evil and hate filled then that would be a great way to try to destroy Christmas. And if you can be ironic and get the people who want to support Christmas to be the soldiers who are actually do the greatest damage to Christmas then you get style points for that.

This was originaly just a comment i was leaving on a site I just found,
but I liked the comment so I thought id post it.


Harrod Family History said...

Unfortunately the right is putting a negative face on Christianity, but President Carter, I think, is a more Christ-like person than Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, George W. Bush et al.

Kilgore Trout said...

i completely agree. oh I guess i forgot to mention it in the post, I liked your web site too, and I believe I remebered to put it in my links section. im glad youve checked out my site and I hope you enjoy it.