Friday, April 20, 2007

I Write Like a Girl

At least according to this. The Gender Genie. Just for curiosity I tried twice it needs to bee 500 words or more to work well so I tried the longest post that was only my own words, the first was about my weekend in Boston. That came up as assuming I was female. Ok that was an emotional piece about having a great weekend with a great woman, so my manhood wasn't too hurt when it go that wrong. The only other long post I had was about Bin Laden threatening to kill the Dalia Lama, when that one turned up female as well I was a little supprised then I took a closer look at how it comes up with its answer. I'm not sure how using the words your, and not often makes you a woman but apparently it does. Who knew? Its friday and is gorgeous outside, so I'm in too good of a mood to care what this things thinks. Oh and at least at school most of the best writers were girls so I'm not insulted anyway.

1 comment:

Lara said...

i did that once, and it said i write like a man. i'm just not sure what to think about it at all. i say we just keep doing what we're doing and forget about the gender issues. :-P