Friday, November 30, 2007

Answer to the simple question

When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.
- Marquis de la Grange

The reality is I found a lady that seems interesting, worth giving a chance for sure. So all I really wanted was confirmation that I wouldn't be seen as a dirty old man if I tried to date someone 5 years younger than myself. Yes she is 20. Everyone was trying to be more helpful and give legit dating advice and all I wanted to know was if her Father was going to kill me for being 5 years older than his baby. This is important for some very important reasons that I'm not going to discus here, at least not yet. So you guys were all very helpful and I truly appreciate the help, but you're not as good of accomplices as I had hoped for, luckily my sister said to go for it and she trumps all of you, sorry blood is thinker than binary.


Unknown said...

25 dating 20 isn't bad. Of course, that doesn't guarantee that her father won't try to kill you anyway, but I don't see it as a breach of any major social mores.

And as for the rest... apparently "ask a simple question, get a simple answer" doesn't work on the internet. :)

Kilgore Trout said...

yeah, I'm just impressed that I'm getting replies at all. I used to write this for the reading pleasure of me myself and I, now I ask questions and people give me answers, thats pretty cool.

Anyway thanks, especially because you were the only one who gave the advice I wanted to hear. ;)

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

The Queen of my Universe is a scandalous SIX years younger than me. But then, at 42, I'm mad old compared to the rest of you.

Kilgore Trout said...

Actually as a father, albeit one who has a little time, I was hoping for your input. I'm sure all sorts of terrible scenarios have played out in your mind already, is that one that would automatically freak you out? One of your babies going out with some dude whose 25% older than her? I know your kids are still young, but I also know that my friend with a 7 year old thinks about these things, and I know I pity the first guy she ever brings home. Thanks again man.

Byshop said...

20 female-25 male is cool, five years is about a perfect match maturity wise in that age range.

I will tell you, and Rob will back this up, this is the secret formula...

No more than 10% age difference until 18, after that you take the square root of her birthyear/10 (+1 for each year over 18)...

Kilgore Trout said...

what the fuck kinda formula is that?

1987 = 44.575 / 10 = 4.45 + 7(25-18) = 11.45 that can't be right bro, I ain't dating no tweens.

I'll stick with half plus 7.
25/2 = 12.5 + 7 = 19.5. I'm good.

Byshop said...

every year she's over 18!

This is a tried and true formula my friend.

Kilgore Trout said...


Maybe its because I'm sick but I still don't see how that formula comes up with anything useful. But thanks again for everyones advice and encouragement.