Monday, November 19, 2007

This is why I suck

I suck at life. I'm a smart guy I can do almost anything if I really want to, unfortunately I've never been much of one for trying very hard at anything. The one thing I absolutely suck at not matter how much I try is women. As everyone has pointed out I think way way too hard instead of just letting things flow. One of my problems before was I'd flirt with a girl and they would have no idea, that drove me nuts. Other times I've gone the opposite direction and as soon as I'm interested I just tell them straight out. This hasn't been anymore effective.

So yeah I fucked things up with the new girl. I took option two this time. I do believe it was the king of rock who said, "only fools rush in." Guess I'm a fool. I also failed to fully account for the stress of starting a new job and everything that goes along with that, not the opportune time to try to make a move. If I was better at this I'd have been serious about trying to be her friend first, just be the co-worker buddy then see where things went. Actually I think I did attempt that, but I can't hid shit, my true intentions were clearly visible and so she read the book I leave around called my heart and she said, whoa buddy backdafuckup. I can't really be mad at her for that, but I can be mad at myself. the only thing that genuinely annoys me about her reaction is that she goes out of her way to avoid so much as eye contact with me. This is a person who has to deal with some fucked up people, and put on a smile and treat them like gold, but to me she won't speak or even look at me, what the fuck did I do that was so terrible? Oh well, hopeful this shit blows over, who knows maybe we can even salvage a friendship out of the whole deal. Life was easier when I had given up on women, I can't decide if it was better, probably not, but man it was easier.


Anonymous said...

It'll get better. I did the same thing back when I was single the last time. There was an awkward few months, but things are collegial again. I made much more of an ass of myself than you did.

Kilgore Trout said...

Yeah I'm not that worried, I haven't made that big an ass of myself, yet. Actually I had a nice conversation with her yesterday. I'm not even going to attempt to figure out what she's thinking anymore. I'm just going to be myself and try to make her laugh. If that doesn't work, then fuck her, I'm not going to be fake to try to win a girl, they'll figure it out eventually, the girls I'm interested in would figure it out anyway.

If making an ass of yourself was a competition you might have me beat in the 100 yard dash, but if there was an Iron Man of making an ass then I'd be pretty highly ranked, I'm currently at just a little over a decade single and making an ass of myself, so to those awkward few months, I say, "ha!"

Anonymous said...

Damn bro, sorry for your female woes. Are you looking for advise or just bitchin'? As someone that was real bad with women as well, I know exactly what you are talking about. Fortunately, I realized what I was doing wrong, and that was pretty much everything. But, that is another story.

Good luck with the future ladies bro. May the force be with you.

Kilgore Trout said...

well in some of the earlier posts I was looking for advice, and got it slapped into me. This one, I was just bitching.

I'm actually talking with one nice young lady these days that seems like a better route then the one I fucked things up with from the simple fact that I feel comfortable around her. Shit the first time I met the girl it was a few guys I didn't know my friend and her, and we sat around telling dirty ass jokes and nasty stories and she just laughed along with us. Other than there is a bit bigger age gap than I'm totally cool with.

Ok heres a simple question, I'm 25, what would you consider the youngest I could date? Actually I think I'll make this question its own post...

Anonymous said...

Well, I posted above, but I will address it here as well. Don't worry about how young you can go. The young ones are attractive because of sex appeal, but the downside is all the high school antics are still important to them. Find someone that has lived long enough to go through some kind of REAL life experience. This usually wakes people up from the immaturity of dating.

Concentrate on older as they are less likely to be into the dumbass game of courtship. Most get tired of it and end up with a guy that doesn't play the game.

No less than 21, if you want to drag the answer out of me. Why? Because you won't have to go through the "transition" with her.

Kilgore Trout said...

Yeah as I said in one of the other comments it's not that I want to chase girls that are borderline inappropriate its just thats the age of the girls I've been introduced to lately. And too be brutally honest about it there are shockingly few single women in this town without children. I feel bad automatically excluding the MILFs especially when I could be one of the few good not-real-daddies, but its simply not a situation I want to be in right now. So sorry to the baby momma's but hey thats life. Which reminds me of someone less smooth than I. I was at a friends wedding, drunk, making an ass of myself in a tux on the dance floor, when the bride wants me to dance with one of her friends. Now I'm pretty easy going, and she was nothing much too look at, actually it was a whole lot to look at if you were so inclined, but its her friends wedding day I'll be nice, hell its just dancing. So I walk towards this catastrophe, say hello, what your name? Hi, I'm Blah Blah Blah, do you like kids? I have two. Who introduces themselves that way?